onsdag 24 december 2008

If voting changed anything, they would make it illegal.

Well I've had great interest in understanding the current recession and its cause. It seems that economics sometimes randomly turn around and stop working in peoples favor.
The great question is, do economics EVER work in our favor?
To answer that we must understand what is controlling the current market.
We can start with money since money is what makes economics go around it should be the best source to go to when examining the current economy crisis. World economy is more or less controlled by dollar. Dollar is what controls all other currencies and their quotation. We must examine who or what controls the dollar.

To simplify everything I will briefly explain how the moneymaking process works in USA. Central bank or Federal Reserve as its called is what makes money in America. To simplify the process it goes something like this:

Government of the United States needs 10 000 000 000 dollars. What they do is send request to federal bank to make that money for them. Bank answers with yes and starts making money. While the money is made they receive some kind of paper telling them that the money will be repaid with INTEREST and this is when things start getting nasty. USA buys its own money from themselves and needs to pay back more than they get. Same goes for the banks that get that money and then people who borrow the money from banks. What do you do when you borrow money from bank? You work and gather money to pay back and theres always some kind of interest where you need to pay some percentage to the bank. So its a cycle of people paying interest so that the one you are paying interest to is able to pay interest to the one they borrowed their money from. In the end this is what makes everybody in debt. Money is created out of thin air and having money it therefore being in debt (since all the money has to be repaid with interest). The problem here is that this debt can never be paid. If we say that we manage to collect 100% out of 100% dollar in the world and try to repay the federal reserve it wouldn't work. It wouldn't work since we still owe them 10% interest and the only way to get that money is to ask them to print some more money for us, but that wouldn't work either since that money comes with interest as well... And who gets all the money from federal bank and can profit of it? Few people that control most of the industries in the states. The question "why?" is answered easily, because they want more money and more power.

So how can recession benefit them?

1. A recession will make it difficult for new firms who have just entered the market. Most new firms have high set up costs, therefore, a downturn in the economy could make them close down. However, this does not mean that they are inefficient. It just means they are new and struggling to get established..

2. Increased Monopoly Power. If a recession causes the smaller and newer firms to go out of business then the larger dominant firms will gain more monopoly power. In the long run this will lead to less choice and higher prices. This is a definite disadvantage of a recession. When the Chairman of Ryanair argued recessions would be a good thing, maybe he meant - a good thing for Ryanair, as it may involve new firms going out of business leaving him more market power.

3. Hysteresis. This is the argument that the past is a predictor for the future. Basically, if you have high unemployment, then it is more likely to have high unemployment in the future. If people are made unemployed in a recession, it may take a long time for them to find work again. When they are unemployed they lose skills, become demotivated and become less attractive to employers. Note after the recession of 1981, Unemployment remained stubbornly high in the UK, even into the boom years of the late 1980s

4. Fall in Productive Capacity. A recession can damage the productive capacity of an economy. Firms can go out of business and therefore shut down their resources. Furthermore in a recession, there will be a significant fall in investment, this can harm the long term development of an economy.

5. You don't need a recession to weed out inefficient firms. If markets are reasonably competitive, inefficient firms will be forced out of the market anyway.
Source : http://www.economicshelp.org/2008/02/can-recession-really-be-good-thing.html

Conclusion is that recession isn't needed to improve competition and efficiency on the current market. Recession will in fact make that worse and small companies will be either closed or bought up by bigger ones. Recession will also make interest rates lower and therefore make people more interested in borrowing money. That leads us to the conclusion that recession will only benefit banks (the ones who can survive the competition) and big companies. And now to the final question. Who owns majority of the big companies and the Federal bank. THE SAME PEOPLE. Those people will also buy smaller businesses that can't survive recession and that way expand every time recession kicks in.

Your thinking that your safe since your not part of the American system. But you aren't. USA is expanding its control and just look at the way they took over Iran, Iraq, Venezuela etc. etc. What they do is offer aid to countries who are in need of money. The money is as I explained earlier made out of thin air. They borrow the money and need to pay back with the interest rate. Americas goal is to borrow them more money than they can possibly repay and that way slowly enslave the population of that country. When the country fails to repay the money USA comes in and demands other things such as oil or fruit or anything else thats of value. That way USA exploits the world for free! Because the money/debt is made out of nothing...

I could go on forever but I'm afraid that you already got tired of me babbling. For more info read "John Perkins, "Confessions of an Economic Hitman," and go and see Zeitgeist.

onsdag 17 december 2008

There were two ants and a stack!

I'm sitting on my couch reminiscing. Questions pop up and soon I find myself incapable of answering them all. Questions first pop up at comprehensive rate just to speed up to speed comparable to the speed of light. As I try to win the one race that I'm doomed to lose I sharpen my thinking, think faster, better. Everything stops and I'm back from my daydream. I was trying to answer two things at once and while both were easy. They became to hard in transaction. I could've done both... if I wasn't so eager to have them both answered as soon as possible. Today I realized that my mind is racing from time to time. Sometimes I simply need to slow down. Sometimes I feel like if I'm thinking fast, trying to outrun myself. The most logical solution is most often the one that should be applied to the problem. I'm going to start right away.

What is the best solution to the following question?

"How do I pass my exam?"

Well the most logical answer is...
Read, read and read some more and when you've done that repeat this line!

I have been thinking about happiness as well. It's not that I'm not happy or anything it's just the fact that happiness is resting in our own hands that has triggered me to think about it. So what is happiness and how in the seven seas of Azeroth do we control this tricky thing.

Well Wikipedia says following on the manner:
Researchers have found that about 50% of one's sadness depends on one's genes. This is shown by studying identical twins and learning that their happiness is 50% correlated even when growing up in different houses. About ten to fifteen percent is a result of various measurable variables, such as socioeconomic status, marital status, health, income, and others. The remaining 40% results from actions that individuals deliberately engage in for the purpose of becoming happier.
So genes are involved and that didn't surprise me to much. Economics, health, marital status etc. etc. isn't all to strange either. But 40% that is dependable on your own actions isn't a small number. 40% of your happiness is in your own hands so if you feel sad and cant change your income, health or marital status right away then the only thing that you can change is the way you think. Positive thinking and setting up goals are factors that possibly can increace your happiness level!
Finding some greater meaning can also help increase the level of happiness.

Another is that our brain is the single thing that controls our happiness. The thing here is that as long as we do things that give good long-term benefits we will be happy. Also if we avoid stressful things and things that wouldn't benefit us our brain awards us with happiness. This sounds absurd and unlikely but after reading some material regarding this theory I've found this the most likely. Also our brain reacts to things that are bad for us by "punishing" us with sadness.

The question that comes up after this is probably. "Alcohol is dangerous for me in the long run so why am I happy after some 3-4 beers?" The answer here would be that beer targets same preceptors in brain as the brain itself does when it is rewarding us. Alcohol stimulates brain towards a more happy state and the chemicals that are needed to be happy are flowing trough our system. Long term problem here is that we can get addicted to Alcohol and I think that the main reason for this is that we need Alcohol to be "normal". The state of mind in an alcoholic person is that he/she is so used to the high level of chemicals that control our mood that in order to work properly they need to refill doses of alcohol in their body all the time. As the time goes they need more and more alcohol to satisfy the growing need of chemicals. It's a downward spiral and it can only end by death or stop drinking.
Hmm there so much more I would like to write right now but I feel that some of the things above might be wrong since all of this except for the part that I took from Wikipedia are assumptions made by me. I hope you've had some good reading and feel free to leave comments. I might be wrong, but as I wrote feel free to comment and correct my mistakes. I will go and read some now and tomorrow I'm going to exercise.

One last thing that I found interesting is that exercise can raise our Endorphin levels and consequently raise our happiness level. So if your feeling bad go out and run!

"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within."

tisdag 16 december 2008


Yesbox! Here I'm, once again.

A lot has happened since last time and I would rather not go into details here.

Well to start with I watched Barcelona play R. Madrid at Sanels place. We enjoyed the game that ended 2-0 in favor of home team (Barca). When the game was over it was around midnight and after some persuasion Sanel managed to talk me into sleeping over at his place. We had old times fun on MSN and we laughed lots. We were just spaming people and as we got more tired responses from people got more and more funny. Sanel couldn't handle any more laugh so he went to bed. I stayed awake for another hour or so and when I finally felt asleep I was happy that I stayed. Sanel is probably one friend that I always can count on and I hope he feels the same comfort and trust in me.

Sunday was football once again. Hoffenheim, Chelsea and Juventus played. Hoffenheim played well against strong Schalke 04 but got only 1 point. Chelsea didn't play as well but got one point in a bad game against West Ham. Juventus won 4-2 against Milan and that game was most entertaining.

This week hasn't been so funny. Started of yesterday, writing and working my homework. Today I was whole 2 hours late for school. Luckily my schoolmates aren't to harsh on me so they understood that I was late.

I didn't dream all to well last night. I drank a liter of water during the night and also I woke up several time just to find myself dreaming silly things. Waking up made me realize some things that I've had on my mind the previous day.

School is OK at the moment. The only problem I have problem with is the lack of commitment towards people who maybe deserve my attention the most. Instead I'm wandering around thinking to much, digging deeper and analyzing every fragment of the problem that can be solved easily.

Så nu idag borde jag va riktigt lycklig
Men känner mig nog mera som en vingklippt pingvin
Samvetet säger en sak, lust något annat
Det lär väl även dom va överens om

Se mitt stora problem är att mina problem
Är så pass små att dom knappt räknas som problem
Men dom gör lika ont för det så sjung med

måndag 1 december 2008

Beauty hides in the deep.

Long time no see my fellow bloggers. Mildly expressed I've been pissed about not having Internet or computer. So when I finally got back on Internet and bought a nice new computer I forgot to write here. I've got a new Acer 2.0 dual core, 4gb of RAM and some other stuff that I wouldn't bother you with. It's working fine and I'm happy to announce that my level of slack just raised by 100%. I'm actually in my bed writing and at the same time listening to some tunes on iPod. Well not much has happened since last time. I've passed my first exam got 55 points out of 80, 40 was required to pass and 60 for "VG" so I did well. I was also the first to hand in my exam (as always) so I was time efficient. So not much has happened and I will try to update here more frequently. I wrote this in English because I'm bored and it gives your Swedish ass some training in reading in English.

Just before dawn comes
Sadness is on
Just one more moment
And I am leaving

Few words on a small note
While you are asleep
I can only steal away
Thats how I tend to be

tisdag 21 oktober 2008


Med våran wu-tangiga, osvängiga skolengelska
Var man nog mest en tönt med en dröm om en mick

Och dom gula Timberlandboots-kängorna

Hade ingen skola idag så jag hjälpte farsan lite runt 1-2 han skulle lasta på lite grejer för jobbet och jag kunde hjälpa så varför inte :P

När jag kom hem skulle alla åka, morsan skulle jobba, syrran var i stan och pappa och bror skulle köpa kläder. Jag hängde på och fick mig ett par finfina Timberlandboots och ett par byxor. Min bror tyckte det såg mysigt ut när en storbystat tjej skulle pilla med mina byxor innan dom skulle vikas så han köpte ett par byxor med men han hade otur då tjejen inte tyckte att byxorna skulle vikas.

Utför nu "nyaskorritualen" där man har på sig skorna innomhus, så gör jag alltid när jag köpt nya skor. Man lär sig hur skorna känns så blir det lättare nästa dag.

Bokade också tid för klippning det får bli imorgon klockan 12 och sen hoppas jag att nån följer med mig till Knalle för att jag ska köpa lite långärmade tröjor (Har garderob med 1000 tshirts och få långärmade tröjor). Får läsa på om Checkland och hoppas att jag förstår det mjuka systemet och det hårda systemet (?!).

Ni får ha det bra! SHAZZAM!

Pic of my new boots:

Mina är helsvarta bara :)

fredag 17 oktober 2008


Idag hade vi en mysig föreläsning med den ytters mysiga läraren (ironi?) och allt gick bra. Kom hem och skulle läsa ut It and business models och lyckades med denna till synes omöjliga bedrift. Sitter med den klara bokraporten i handen och andas ut, men jag får inte slappna av Netonnet rapporten ska in snart med. Malin uttryckte sin kärlek för boken med bilden nedan och jag kan inget annat än att hålla med!

Detta skrev jag i avslutningen av min rapport angående denna underbara bok. Enjoy!

"Tråkigare än när jag fick vänta på bussen i tre timmar i -5 grader utan att veta att det inte gick några bussar"
"12-13 timmar bara på att läsa och förstå boken"
"ringa herr Jonas Hedman och be honom ta lektioner i meningsformulering"
"sälja obegripliga böcker till astronomiska priser"

onsdag 15 oktober 2008

IT systems suck!

Har bok att läs aut tills på fredag, den är på 300 sidor och jag är på sida 100 ungefär. Från alla föreläsningar så förstår man en del så boken isnt crucial. Den är på jobbig engelska också så det går segt att läsa. Idag har jag bara varit i skolan, ska kika fotboll med Nermin ikväll. Nya macbook har också kommit så det är typ det enda jag och Alex snackat om idag. Får försöka läsa lite nu.
Geeknote: Patch 3.0.x is implemented today! Wohoo!